DIGITALFILE44: abstraction of ideas from experience , Concrete vs abstract thinking

abstraction of ideas from experience , Concrete vs abstract thinking

 abstraction of ideas from experience


A. meaning of abstraction or abstract thinking in psychology

B. Concrete vs abstract thinking

C. selection and organization of learning experiences and abstract thinking in teaching pedagogy


Below are the full details..




A. meaning of abstraction or abstract thinking in psychology


Abstraction in psychology to think about object principle and ideas that are not physically present it is related to symbolic thinking which uses the substitution of symbol for an object or idea



Abstract thinking makes it possible for people to exercise creativity. It is a useful survival mechanism , it motivates us to develop new ideas that improve the quality of human life.



A variety of everyday behaviours constitute abstract thinking. These include:--

--Understanding relationships between verbal and nonverbal ideas

---reasoning and mentally manipulating and rotating objects.

---Use of critical thinking , the scientific method, and other approaches.





B. Concrete  vs  abstract thinking 

C. selection and organization of learning experiences and abstract thinking in teaching pedagogy


 Learning experience is defined as deliberately planned experienced in selected situation where students actively participate and interacts , which result in changes of behaviour in the student .


The main objectives of learning experience is to expanding and refining the knowledge , learning from the past , acquisition of skills  , promotes motivation , development of senses etc etc



Selection and Organisation criteria for learning experiences and abstract thinking are :---


---Learning experience should be consistent with the Educational Philosophy

---Learning experience should be varied and flexible


---Learning experience must provide sufficient opportunity to practice or self-activity


 ---Learning experience are arranged in manner that provides continuity , sequential development , correlation , integration of theory , practical learning experience






meaning of abstraction or abstract thinking in psychology---Concrete vs abstract thinking---selection and organization of learning experiences and abstract thinking in teaching pedagogy

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