DIGITALFILE44: Context of assessment : subject related assessment person related assessment

Context of assessment : subject related assessment person related assessment


Context of assessment : subject related  assessment person related assessment




A. Introduction

B. Meaning of context and assessment

C. Meaning of subject related assessment and person

       related assessment / individual assessment .

D. Objective of subject related assessment  and person related assessment

E. Evaluation tools for subject related assessment

F. Evaluation tools for person related assessment




Below are the full details...



A. Introduction

    Assessment and evaluation are integral components of teaching learning process .

They not only provide feedback about learner but also about effectiveness of Curriculum programs and policy.

  Here we will discuss about meaning of context of assessment ,  meaning of subjects related assessment , meaning of  person related assessment , evaluation tools for subject related assessment and person related assessment  etc etc







B. Meaning of context and assessment



   We will discuss  first the meaning of context


Note down there is a huge difference between context and content .


Context  is basically  related to environment or  the area of influence in which the content is going to adopt /present.


 For example we can drink water with a glass or with a the plate or with a bottle , here the content is '' water''  but the holding container maybe the  glass or the plate or the bottle   means same content but different  environment , this environment is known as context with respect to content .




--Meaning of assessment


            The term assessment came from the Latin word  Assess  which means to determine  , estimate or judge the value of  , to evaluate.


The term assessment is a process of gathering information related to some objective or goal  for  evaluation .


     Assessment collects both quantitative and qualitative data.


 For example a teacher assess the class test, unit test internal test , monthly test , half yearly test and then he/she formulate a report card at the end of the session



Quantitative data includes marks , grades ,percentile etc etc


Qualitative data includes behaviour , personality , body language, activeness etc etc





Assessment involves following element--

--Record Keeping

--Oral or written examination

--Emphasis on the strength and weakness and challenges









C. Meaning of subject related assessment and person

       related assessment / individual assessment



Subject related assessment:--

   Means the assessment is focus to subject and academic career .

     Here are all the formal ways of evaluation are practiced like diagnostic assessment , format assessment , summative assessment , written test assignment , project , mid term , internal exam etc etc





Person related assessment / individual assessment :--

    Means the assessment is focus to  person or any individual .


                            Here all the informal evaluation method are used for assessment , like self and Peer evaluation , personality development body language , rating scale , checklists ,  rubrics  , Anecdotal  records . 







D. Objective of subject related assessment  and person related assessment


    --- Person related assessment  used by teachers to observe the strength and     

         weakness of a student , problem solving task , Body Language and   

         personality , Behaviour and character .



     ---Subject related assessment  related assessment  used by teachers to   

         used evaluate the students in many ways like providing grades ,  promotion  

         to the next level , diagnose the error ,  judging the effectiveness of  

          Curriculum and program.

E. Evaluation tools for subject related assessment :

    The popular two are Formative evaluation and summative evaluation.

F. Evaluation tools for person related assessment


           Here the method of self and Peer evaluation are used


Self and Peer evaluation  :-   “ Self “ evaluation means  '' own evaluation '' here the students evaluate their own learning and progress in their  respective knowledge , skills,  interest attitude, etc etc  , Self evaluation helps the students to develop a sense of Independence and take responsibility for their own learning.



             Peer evaluation refers to  evaluation of a student by another student , this can be conducted in pairs or in a groups , Peer evaluation promotes cooperative learning environment in the classroom , students also get opportunity to hear and exchange their work with others .






G. Conclusion

       At last it can be concluded that both  subject related assessment and person related assessment both follows formal way of evaluation and informal ways of evaluation techniques .


      Learning is a never ending process , educator must assess the students based on different capacity of the student.








Meaning of context and assessment ---Meaning of subject related assessment and person related assessment / individual assessment---Objective of subject related assessment  and person related assessment--- Evaluation tools for subject related assessment--- Evaluation tools for person related assessment 

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