DIGITALFILE44: essay on feminism b .ed level notes

essay on feminism b .ed level notes


A. Introduction

B. Meaning of feminism

C. Objectives of feminism

D. Types of feminism

   ( Liberal feminism , Social feminism , Cultural feminism , Radical feminism )


E. Special focus On radical and social feminism

F. History of feminism

          --First wave of feminism

          -- Second wave of feminism

          --Third wave of feminism

          -- Fourth wave of feminism


G. Conclusion


Below are the Full details..... 


 A. Introduction 

           The term feminism was popularly used during the  periods of 1848 - 1920 in the Western world specially in America , Feminism is an ideology or concept , it believes that women should be allowed the same rights , powers and opportunities as men.

      Here we will discuss the true and broad meaning of feminism , objectives of feminism , types of feminism , history of feminism ,advantages of feminism etc etc.





B. Meaning  of  feminism , Patriarchy , Matriarchy.

         The general meaning of Feminism is an ideology or concept , it believes that women should be allowed the same rights , powers and opportunities as men.


Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aims to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.


        Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unimportant within the societies


Feminism efforts to change that includes fighting against gender stereotypes and establishing educational, professional, and interpersonal opportunities and outcomes for women that are equal to those for men.


C. Objectives of feminism

Feminist theory aims to --

    --understand gender inequality and focuses on gender politics,

    --sharing of power relations and sexuality.

    -- focuses on the promotion of women's rights and interests.




D. Types of feminism

              There are various forms of feminism but we will discuss the popular four types of feminism here ......

       --Liberal feminism

       --Social feminism

       --Cultural feminism

       --Radical feminism.


Below are the Full details.....


--Liberal feminism  --

        The term Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty and  Open minded , equality before the law.  

      So ,  Liberal feminism, also called mainstream feminism,  its focus on achieving gender equality through political and legal reforms.

         Its mainly  focuses on the individual rights and reforms for women.



--Social  feminism—

             Social feminism mainly focuses on the  economic and advocates for social rights and special accommodations for women.

                   Its mainly  focuses on the social rights and reforms for women.



--Cultural feminism—

            Cultural feminism mainly believes in  encouraging the feminine behaviour  rather than masculine behaviour.



--Radical feminism—

     Radical feminism is the extreme/harsh version of the liberal feminism , this theory discourage the Patriarchy system.

               This theory encourages the matriarchy system.



E. Special focus On radical and social feminism


   --Social  feminism—


 Social feminism mainly focuses on the  economics and advocates for   social rights and special accommodations for women.

                   Its mainly  focuses on the social rights and reforms for women.




Before proceeding to social feminism we will first understand the concept of socialism vs capitalism ...

--Social Feminism follows the principle of socialism and socialist framework, Socialist feminism criticises the principle of capitalism and this socialist feminism also believes the root cause of women discrimination and oppression exists because of capitalism.

--Socialist feminism believes that the job of women under capitalism is  to maintain and reproduce a healthy workforce/labour because capitalism only focuses on the profit making.


-- Socialist feminism compares capitalism with the patriarchal system, As we know in patriarchal system the dominating character of the family/ society is male member and the women is treated as worker , similarly  Socialist feminism compares capitalism with the patriarchal system .


--The ultimate  goal  of  socialist  feminism  is  to  demand   the    equal             social – economic  rights  /reforms   similar   to   that   of   men.





--Radical feminism—

     Radical feminism is the extreme/harsh version of the liberal/social feminism , this theory completely discourage the Patriarchy system.

               This theory encourages the matriarchy system.


-- Till 1960s there was no concept of radical feminism , after 1960s some separate groups of social & liberal feminism in USA demanded the matriarchal system , because they believed  that the ideology of liberal feminism and social feminism and other forms of feminism are constructed  by Patriarchy system. THEY demanded the separate  matriarchal system.


-- Radical feminist believes that The ideology of matriarchal system must be originated from the discriminated/oppressed women class.


-- Radical feminism mainly believes in  superiority of women’s qualities over men’s qualities. Radical feminism is the extreme/harsh version of the liberal/social feminism


--Some famous movement like "miss America beauty" contest protest and "freedom trash CAN" protest were organised at that period.


--Radical feminism believed that the ''beauty contest , lipstick , High Heels sandals , fashion designing dresses  encourages the objectification of women , we must eliminate this type of ''contest'' and ''beautification'' . The concept of sisterhood unity towards every woman irrespective of the  upper class -lower class or middle class.




some key  differences.............


F. History  of  feminism 

Women from beginning of the human Civilization have facing the discrimination and oppression and  treated as a second class gender , this leads  to develops movements of ideology known as feminism .


After  the 19th Century where the globalisation was and new modern era starts emerging , the feminism movement also emerged at that time


 Here we will discuss the  three important feminism movement.




--First  wave  of  feminism  1848 - 1920—

            It focused on legal issues, primarily on securing women's right to vote.


 Mary Wolstonecraft Published a book named  "vindication of the rights of the women" , this book describes the  poor condition of the women facing discrimination , oppression, gender bias, inequality  etc etc.


             Mary Wolstonecraft’s book and ideology boosted the movement ,   After this incident the women demanded the equality ,justice and legal rights and conduct a mass movement . As a result “Seneca falls convention 1848 USA “ Treaty was signed , and the women were given the  legal rights to vote and participate in politics.




--Limitation  of  first  wave  of  feminism

           --Not able to open the public space for equal competition equal educational and economic opportunity .

          --  The mind set attitude of  society was still revolving around the extreme radical patriarchy.





--Second  wave  of  feminism  1968 - 1980—


First of all we will learn ,What was the purpose of launching the second wave of feminism ?

         Before 1968 there was the concept  of liberal/socialist feminism only , the successful conduct of first wave of feminism gives the ‘’rights to participate in politics and rights to vote’’ , but the internal mind set attitude of the society are still revolving around the patriarchal system , Women were still not feeling safe and Secure in the society ,  this  leads to create  the concept of radical feminism and second wave of feminism.

 More about radical feminism please see above.



The main objectives of second wave of feminism is to open the public space for equal competition equal educational and economic opportunity , they want complete independence , they want matriarchy system rather patriarchy .


For the successful conduction of second wave of feminism they have created national level organisation named "National Organisation for Women" (NOW) under the guidance of Betty Friedan  in USA .


The second wave of feminism was partially successful, some of the demands gets fulfill and  some are still under process.


--Limitation  of   second  wave  of  feminism

         --- The 2nd movement was completely revolving around upper class and Middle Class white women only .

       ---The concept of sisterhood Unity was not completely followed by upper class , middle class , lower class  dalit women , black women , brown women etc etc.





--Third  wave  of  feminism   1990—2005--

                      First of all we will learn ,What was the purpose of launching the third  wave of feminism ?

               We known that the 2nd movement was completely revolving around upper class and Middle Class white women only . The concept of sisterhood Unity  was not completely followed by upper class , middle class , lower class dalit women , black women , brown women etc etc .


This condition creates a demand to launch  the third wave of feminism where all the non-white of women ( black and brown and dalit ) were given the platform  to raise their voices their demands their rights etc etc.


Third wave feminism expand the definition of discrimination and oppression , its includes discrimination against gender, race , culture , religion , caste, ethnicity , skin colour , income working class , body structure , also rise of transgender LGBT movement etc etc.


The outcomes of the third wave of feminism is that new rules have been introduced , strict policy has been introduced , legal rights for LGBT introduced , pay scale equal to level of man introduced etc etc




--Fourth  wave  of  feminism   2012—present--

                   Fourth-wave feminism is a feminist movement that began around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on the empowerment of women , the use of internet tools , mass media , tv , newspaper .





 G. Conclusion—


At last it can be concluded that the concept of feminism  is a successful revolution and movement , the present situation of women is far better than the previous .


      We the human beings are are equal in nature we are social animal we must respect every gender , the future of the world is going  written by both men and women , we must live in peace and harmony with each other.







Meaning of feminism , Objectives of feminism ,Types of feminism ( Liberal feminism ,Social feminism , Cultural feminism, Radical feminism ) , Special focus On radical and social feminism , History of feminism ( First - second - third - fourth wave of feminism

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