DIGITALFILE44: Explain evolving suitable criteria for assessment

Explain evolving suitable criteria for assessment


Explain evolving suitable criteria for assessment


A. Introduction

B. Meaning of assessment

C. Why we need suitable criteria for assessment

D. Some possible suggestions and criteria for improving assessment


Below are the full details....


A. Introduction


As we know learning is a lifelong process , it has no limit, no age bar , no restriction , learning can be done in  various methods and strategy , this are called sometime dimensions of learning , here we will discuss the meaning of assessment , some suitable criteria , suggestions etc etc..







B.  Meaning of assessment


The term assessment came from the Latin word  Assess  which means to determine  , estimate or judge the value of  , to evaluate.


The term assessment is a process of gathering information related to some objective or goal  for  evaluation .



Assessment collects both quantitative and qualitative data.




For example a teacher assess the class test, unit test internal test , monthly test , half yearly test and then he/she formulate a report card at the end of the session



Quantitative data includes marks , grades ,percentile etc etc



Qualitative data includes behaviour , personality , body language, activeness etc etc


NOTE- Assessment is subset of evaluation .





C. Why we need suitable criteria for assessment

---Making assessment criteria helps us  to recognise what is important and valued in the curriculum.

---Criteria for assessment also help us to focus the efforts on the key learning outcomes and evaluate their own performance through self assessment.

---Assessment criteria are a way to provide formative feedback throughout the course to support ongoing learning as well as to provide  end of term  summative evaluation





D. Some possible suggestions and criteria for improving assessment.

As we know learning is a lifelong process , it has no limit, no age bar , no restriction , learning can be done in  various methods and strategy , this are called sometime dimensions of learning



Psychologist suggested following points must included  for suitable assessment :-


---Cognitive area

---Affective/emotional area

---Psychomotor area

---Social development area

--- Using knowledge meaningfully in real life situations


Below are the full details---


---cognitive :- The term cognitive refers to the mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. These cognitive processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving


---affective/emotional :- It involves our feelings, emotions, and attitudes.  values, appreciation, enthusiasms, motivations.


---psychomotor :- This  includes physical movement , coordination , and use of the motor-skill areas.


---social development :-  It is  gradual acquisition of certain skills (e.g., language, interpersonal skills) , attitudes , relationships, and behaviour that enable the individual to interact with others and to function as a member of society.


 ---Using knowledge meaningfully :—Learning will effective only when the student use the knowledge in real life situation in a meaningful way.

Student needs to take meaningful decision, able to solve any problem , analyse the real life complex situation etc etc











Meaning of assessment---Why we need suitable criteria for assessment---Some possible suggestions and criteria for improving assessment


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