DIGITALFILE44: explain importance of test and exam

explain importance of test and exam


explain importance of test and exam



A. Introduction

B. Meaning of test and exam

C. Objective of a test /exam

D. Characteristics of a test /exam

E. Different forms of test / exam

F. How to design a perfect test/exam



Below are the full details.....



A.  Introduction : -


            Test and examination plays a very important role in assessing the performance of the students


          Test not only tells about the current knowledge of the student but also tells about writing skills presentation skills and understanding skills etc etc

Hair we will discuss  meaning of a test  , objective of test  , characteristic different forms  , etc etc


B. Meaning of test /exam :-


The term ‘’examination and test’’ are similar to each other , basically examination is the advance and long expanded version of the test .


   A test or examination  is an educational assessment intended to measure a student's knowledge , skills , aptitude , physical fitness , or classification in many other topics.


                A test may be administered verbally ,  on paper ,  on a computer, etc etc


The term ‘’examination and test’’ are similar to each other .



The format and difficulty of the test is depends upon the educational philosophy of the instructor , subject matter , class size , policy of the educational institution .




C. Objective of a test /exam :-

----It helps to identify the gaps in the knowledge.

----It causes students to learn more and more and learn from their mistakes.

----Its make habit of writing and understanding skills .

----It also provides feedback to the teacher as well

----It also demonstrates the power of presentation and expression

     through a  test.





D. Characteristics of a good test /exam :-







Below are the full details.....


  ----Validity :-    A test is said to  valid ,  if  it measure what we want it to measure .

  ----Reliability :--  Test is reliable if we get the same result repeatedly .

  ----Utility  :-- tells us about the practical implication of the test in our real life . whether this test will helpful in future or not .


 ----Comprehensiveness :--  A test is said to be comprehensive if its cover all the aspects of the subject including theoretical knowledge and practical , real life  knowledge and understanding skills .





E. Different forms of test / exam :-


  ---Diagnostic test

  --- progressive or achievement

    ---objective test

   ---subjective test

   ---Proficiency test

  --- aptitude test

  ---Personality test



Diagnostic test -- Diagnostic test helps to identify student's Current and previous Knowledge of a subject , their skill set and capability and to clarify misconceptions before teaching takes place .



progressive or achievement---  The test generally consists of formative assessment and summative assessment ,

     Formative assessment assess the ongoing progress of the student

 While summative assessment assess the overall performance after the completion of the session



objective test --  Objective test assess the ability of a student to judge the correct options among the multiple options here the accuracy mandatory are tested.



subjective test --   Subjective test assess the students writing skills and depth knowledge , here he/she has to write essay on the given question , it may be long answer type or short answer type  , student are free  to  express the answer in their own word.





Proficiency test  ---Proficiency test are designed to measure people’s ability in a particular language whether they have any training in the language or not .




Aptitude test-- aptitude test are Mainly made to assess Intelligence and knowledge , aptitude  test most commonly consists of numerical problems , reasoning problem , error detection , accuracy and many more




Personality test -- Personality test is designed for assessing individual personality and body language. This also assess the character and behaviour of any individual .




F. How to design a perfect test/exam—

Step 1 ---identification of the objective

Step 2--- after identification of the objective now we will allot the weightage   and marks to the questions .


Step  3 ---selection of the content and types of question like true or false fill up   the blanks short answer type long answer type


Step  4 ---the content must have different levels of difficulty like 20%  belongs difficult question 30% belongs to easy and simple  question and the rest  50% is average level questions.


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