DIGITALFILE44: Recall any Fact and concept or retention and recall of memory

Recall any Fact and concept or retention and recall of memory




A. Introduction

B. Meaning of  recall and retention , facts and concept , long term memory ,  

    short  term memory


C. Feature of memory recall

D. Types of memory  recall

E. Method to recall any fact or concept

F. Factor influencing recall and retention  

G. Conclusion


Below are the full details...



A. Introduction

   Recall or  retrieval of memory is very important function of  brain . IT has trained to analyse and store the memory , facts , figures , images  etc etc .


             Here we will learn about the meaning of recall and retention , long and short term memory , types of memory  recall , methods to recall etc etc.





B. Meaning of  recall and retention , facts and concept , long term memory ,   short  term memory.



Recall :--   To remember something ( a fact, event, action, etc.) from the past.


Retention  :-- The action of keeping something or of being kept .


Facts and Concept :--  Pieces of information about something , opinions or ideas.


  Memory  :--  According to Sternberg  memory is the means by which we draw on our past experiences in order to use this information in the present .

     In general we can say memory is the term given to the structure and processes involved in the storage and retrieval of information.


Long term memory :-- Long-term memory refers to the storage of information over an extended period. This type of memory tends to be stable and can last a long time—often for years.


Short-term memory :--  Also known as primary or active memory, is the capacity to store a small amount of information in the mind .








C. Features  of  memory  recall

Recall or retrieval of memory means simply remembering of information that has been previously  stored in our brain.


        Some says that we have a bad memory or you might feel that you can remember think quite well .


The main future of memory recall is the automatic process . Whenever we view anything familiar situation or  image  our brain automatically recalls that incident from the past.





D. Types of memory  recall

Generally there are three type of memory recall

Free recall

Cued recall

Serial recall


Below are the full details...


Free recall :-- Free recall occurs when a list of items given and you remember them in any random order .




Cued recall :--  Cued recall is the retrieval of memory with the help of cues. ... Cued recall differs from free recall in that a cue or word is presented that is related to the information we wants to remembered. This aids in the process of memory retrieval.



Serial recall :-- A serial recall requires participants to recall a list of items in a specific order ,  usually the order in which they were presented .







E. Method to recall any fact or concept :--


 (i) Use of stories to illustrate the facts :-- Human brain loves hearing story , we should be telling at least one story lecture , sometimes it will consume time but it is one of the effective method to retain the knowledge.



(ii) Allow the student to draw an example from their own real life , human brain retain the personal emotional experience for a longer.




(iii) Present the information in different way:--

Don't the use the same boring method , methods like play way method , quiz method , inductive deductive method  are very helpful to retain the memory



(iv) Concept mapping and mind mapping ;-  more creative trains  better the Mind . Mapping can benefit memory retention by creating maps which involve association.


F. Factor influencing recall and retention :


---Age of the student

---Maturity of the student

---Intelligence of the student


---Emotional condition of the student physical health of the student

---Interest and aptitude of the student


 ---Teaching methodology

---Complexity of the subject

---Size of the subject

---Home responsibility and burden






G. Conclusion-

At last it can be concluded that the learning and recall of knowledge and information vary from individual to individuals , from environment to environment  , from methods to method  ,also  we discuss  the methods to improve the  retention power of the memory.

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