DIGITALFILE44: Short note on feedback in formative assessment ,OR feedback as an essential component in formative assessment

Short note on feedback in formative assessment ,OR feedback as an essential component in formative assessment


Short note on feedback in formative assessment ,OR feedback as an essential component in formative assessment




A. Introduction

B. Meaning of feedback

C. Objectives of feedback

D. Characteristics of feedback (feedback loop)

E. Types of feedback

      ---Written and oral feedback

      ---Positive and negative feedback

      ---Qualitative and quantitative feedback

      ---Formative and summative feedback


F. Procedure for giving/taking feedback

G. Conclusion


Below are the full details...



A. Introduction

Feedback is one of important component for education and training program

It helps learner to maximize their potential at different stages of training

It  awares the strength and weakness and area of improvement .

Here we will discuss the meaning of feedback , its types , it application in assessment etc etc .




B. Meaning of feedback


Feedback is made from two words  " feed +‎ back."

“FEED” means To give someone  something and “BACK” means returned or restored .



Feedbacks refers to a response/reaction after occurring of any event/process.

or   We can also say a feedback  information about past behaviour delivered in the present which may influence future behaviour.



   Feedback exchanges the ideas between the teacher and the student ,  mentor and the client ,  doctor and the patient etc etc .


For example teacher explained about 3D geometry and teacher conduct some test related to 3D geometry  now,  the student gives response by answering the test , this is one of the simple example of feedback system






C. Objectives of feedback

 ---Identifying the barrier arising in learning process

 ---Maintain the continuous flow of learning process

 ---To understand and exchange of Ideas between student and teacher , patient  and doctor , client and employer etc etc









D. Characteristics of feedback ( feedback loop )

---One of the main characteristic of feedback is the loop system of feedback .

---Maintain the continuous flow of learning process.

---Easily Identify the barrier arising in learning process.





E. Types of feedback

There are various types of feedback but we will discuss the most popular types only---

---Written and oral feedback

---Positive and negative feedback

---Qualitative and quantitative feedback

---Formative and summative feedback



Below are the full details.....


---Written and oral feedback :--  In written feedback the students/teachers gives the responses in written format .     For example teacher gives responses in a report card by writing the grades and marks  of the student.


In oral feedback the students/teachers gives the responses in oral format .      For example student gives responses to his teacher by saying that " I don't understand chapter 3 and 4 both "



---Positive and negative feedback :-- Positive feedback encourages the student for better learning.          Negative feedback discourage the student.



---Qualitative and quantitative feedback :-- Qualitative feedback gives description about the character , behaviour , attitude , personality of the learner.


Quantitative feedback gives description about the grade ,marks ,percentages of the learner.



---Formative and summative feedback :--  Formative feedback occurs at all the stages of the learning process because it is tool used to continuous monitor the effectiveness of the learning process.


Summative feedback occurs at end stages of the learning process because it is tool used to monitor the effectiveness of the learning process at the end of any unit/semester/annual exam /session .






F. Procedure for giving/taking feedback

To  “ GIVE ” a feedback we must careful about  the below thing—

Step 1 :- Analyse the every details , condition , criteria of the situation before giving the feedback .

Step 2 :- If you are satisfied with the  action then it is better to give a positive feedback otherwise you can also give negative feedback.



To “ RECIEVE “ a feedback we must careful about  the below thing—

Step 1 :- We must ready to accept the conclusion of the feedback ,it may be a positive feedback or it may be a negative feedback.

Step 2 :- If we RECIEVED a positive feedback then it will boost the confidence and encourage to learn more and more and if we get negative feedback that we have to focus more on learning and will try to do better in next time.





G. Conclusion

At last it can be concluded that “Giving /receiving feedback” is an important skills of teachers and learner it will definitely improve the quality of the learning process , also feedback act as an assessment tools in learning process too.


Meaning of feedback---Objectives of feedback---Characteristics of feedback (feedback loop)---Types of feedback ---Written and oral feedback ---Positive and negative feedback ---Qualitative and quantitative feedback---Formative and summative feedback---Procedure for giving/taking feedback

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