DIGITALFILE44: short notes on gender and gender bias

short notes on gender and gender bias


Write  short  notes  on  gender  and  gender  bias




A. Introduction

B. Meaning of gender

C. Difference between Gender and sex

D. Meaning of gender bias

E. Reason of gender bias

F. How we eliminate gender bias

G. Conclusion


Below are the full details........


A. Introduction

Gender is the division of people into two categories, “men” and “women.”

Gender bias is behaviour that shows favouritism toward one gender over another. Most often, gender bias is the act of favouring men and/or boys over women and/or girls. However, this is not always the case.

Here we will read about the meaning of gender, difference between gender vs sex , cause of gender bias etc etc



B. Meaning  of  gender

Gender is a socially constructed definition of women and men.

or  we can say Gender is the division of people into two categories, “men” and “women.”


The term socially constructed means the society  norms and its culture sets roles to male and females.


C. Difference  between  Gender  and  sex


D. Meaning  of  gender  bias

Gender bias is a preference or priority towards one gender over other


Gender bias can be conscious or unconscious in nature.


Example- sports activity for boys is  taken more seriously as compared to girls and this mentality or stereotype leads to less funding for women Sports ,less  training Centre for women and also very less facility are available for women



E. Reason of gender bias

(i) Poverty

(ii) Lack of employment facilities .

(iii)Social customs, beliefs and practices.

(iv)Lack of awareness among women.

(v)Lack of education.


Below are the full details ....


(i) Poverty:

Poverty means not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter.

   Mostly in poor family the women are force to do only household work , and the men are free to do any type of economical work or activity


(ii) Lack of employment facilities -

          Most of the women of under developed counties are supposed to do the simple household works and  this household works are and productive and unpaid jobs.

          Where as  male member are  given more opportunities to develop their skills and to practice paid and economical jobs.



(iii) Social customs, beliefs and practices-

    Mostly in  underdeveloped countries , the social customs-old belief and old practices are still continuing and  this type of practices leads to  gender bias.


Here the men have dominated the women in every fields.


For example,  In the religious activity, are supposed to conduct by a male member where as the low level work are supposed to practice by women .

Another examples dowry system of India, sati pratha, burkha system for Muslim women etc etc


iv) Lack of awareness among women-

             It has been found that most of the women are unaware about their basic fundamental rights and capabilities.

       Article 15 of Indian constitution tells us about not to discriminate any individuals on the basis of their sex or gender.



(v) Lack of education-

       Education is the only key for eliminating the discrimination and gender bias , recent data of government shows that education has helped the woman to  become self independent, education also helping the woman and man to become productive –creative-knowledgeable  etc etc



F. How  we  eliminate  gender  bias

à  The most effective solution for eliminating gender bias and discrimination is provide strong education to the society.


à We must give equal opportunity and salary for both men and women.


à Strong rules and laws must implemented towards any crime against women or discrimination against women.


à We must create awareness among the society and specially parents about the  bad effects of  old customs ,old stereotypes related to women.



G. Conclusion

At last it can be concluded that both men and women are the part of a society and we must respect each other, he must not discriminate any individual on the basis of their gender-sex-religion-caste etc etc

      Development of society is the  first step towards development of a nation













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