DIGITALFILE44: Short notes on report, progress report or profile of learner or report card

Short notes on report, progress report or profile of learner or report card


Short notes on report, progress report or profile of learner or report card



A.  Introduction

B.  Meaning of report  AND progress report

C. Objective of progress report

D. Characteristics of a progress report

E. Special focus on progress report with respect to education

F. How to make educational report card /progress report

G. Conclusion


Below are the full details...



A.  Introduction

Report or progress report are one of the  important part of assessment process in the education field .


Report making starts from the early primary education and continuous throughout  the career.

 Report card generally a short description of the student/client/employee , we must not confuse a progress report card with resume or portfolio.


 Here we will discuss the meaning of report card its characteristics , its types etc etc






B.  Meaning of report AND progress report

REPORT is a written account of something that one has observed , heard , done , or investigated.


A progress report is a document that explains all the details  how much progress we have made towards the completion of our ongoing project/career.


       A progress report act as a management tools used in all types of organizations, that outlines the completed tasks, activities carried out, and target achieved etc etc






C. Objective of progress report

   ---Report card provides short description of the student /client/ employee.

  ---Report card also keeps the track of the work progress of a student /client/






D. Characteristics of a progress report

   ---TIME SAVING :- A progress report explains all the details  how much progress we have made in short span of time.


---ECONOMICALLY FRIENDLY :-  Formation of a progress report card of a student is very easy and simple , even small play school or any  higher secondary School can provide  report card.





E. Special focus on progress report with respect to education

Report card  are very helpful for Record Keeping the prime purpose of Record Keeping is to monitor the progress of individual students and plan their future learning.


Report card helps the student and teacher in the following ways---

---Through a report card students and parents get familiar with the student's achievement and progress ,co-curricular activity, projects , marks , grades.


--- A progress report explains all the details  how much progress we have made in short span of time.


--- The report card has following two types i. e. formative assessment report card  and summative assessment report card .        Formative assessment report card describe the marks and grades of a student which he/she got in his class test , unit test, internal exam and projects.         Summative assessment report card describe the marks and grades of a student which he/she got in his class final exam or end semester .






F. How to make educational report card /progress report

Step 1 :  Introduction bio :- Here the introduction of the subject, student name, And the past knowledge is mentioned.


Step 2 : Summary of the completed work :- Here all the completed tasks, projects, assignments , homework , marks , grades  are mentioned and based on that the marks are awarded.


Step 3 : Remarks :- Here the teacher/mentor express his/her opinion about the student and guides for the better future of the student.




G. Conclusion

At last it can be concluded that “ REPORT CARD ” is an important assessment tools of teachers , it will definitely improve the quality of the learning process , also gives feedback to the students about their performances.










Meaning of report  AND progress report--- Objective of progress report---Characteristics of a progress report---Special focus on progress report with respect to education---How to make educational report card /progress report.


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