DIGITALFILE44: short notes on Violence against women

short notes on Violence against women


short notes on Violence against women


A. Introduction

B. Meaning of violence

C. Types of violence

 ( Physical violence ,Sexual violence ,Emotional/ Psychological violence  ,Religious/cultural violence ,Domestic violence )


D. Special focus on Violence against women

E. Impact of violence on life of women

F. Efforts to deal violence against women

G. Some Organisation which works against women violence

H. Conclusion


 Below are the full details...

A. Introduction

Violence is one of the most problematic issues society faces today, and it has been increasing day after day, in the house , streets of our cities, work place etc

Violence may be consider  as physical harm , sexual harm, and psychological attack , and deprivation of pride or character  of any  humans or animals


Here we will discuss about , Meaning of violence ,Types of violence ,Special focus on Violence against women ,Impact of violence on life of women ,Efforts to deal violence against women , etc etc .




B. Meaning of  violence

Violence is the intentional use of physical force or power, against oneself, another person, or community .


Violence may be consider  as physical harm , sexual harm, and psychological attack , and deprivation of pride or character  of any  humans or animals


The word violence covers a broad term,  It will vary from physical abusive bad words between 2 humans , any  small violence  injury could also leads to war and killing, wherever millions might die as a result.



C. Types of violence

-- Physical violence

 --Sexual violence

--Emotional/ Psychological violence

--Religious/cultural violence

--Domestic violence



Physical violence includes beating, burning, kicking, punching, biting,  killing, or the use of objects or weapons.


Sexual violence is the general term we use to describe any kind of unwanted sexual act or activity, including rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and many others.


Emotional violence refers to a pattern of behaviour which interferes the cognitive, psychological, emotional as well as social development of any human  in a serious  manner.

Religious/cultural violence is    VIOLENCE IN THE NAME OF RELIGION , Rituals of sacrifice.


Domestic violence  can be defined to include any threatening, abusive, or violent behaviour in the home, including between adult children , partners , parents husband-wife and other adult family members.




D. Special focus on Violence against women

 Violence against women takes many form including-

--Women trafficking

--Honour killing


--Sexual harassment

--Forced and early marriages


--Old traditional sati Pratha and dowry system




Now the question arises why the violence against women happens  ????


The main and ultimate reason for the violence against women is the male dominated society in the world, from the beginning of the human Civilization male member  has been assigned the main power and main head member of the family and the society, this create discrimination between male and female, society thinks that male is superior and female is inferior 


      Females are treated as a domestic servant whose work is to do the household domestic work only ,also female are given less wages and salaries compared to male members .


    Women are generally dependents on their male member/partner for their livings , this gives  a confidence to the male member to do any type of violence with his partner .


The only solution for the violence against women is to educate the women more and more and become self independent, women dependency on their male member/partner leads to violence.




E. Impact of violence on life of women


Violence creates negative impact on the life of women are some of the followings are-

--Mental instability

--Feeling of Fear and terror 

--Feeling of unsafe every time

--Hormonal imbalance

--Internal and external damages to human organs

--Suicide attempt


--Anger and hyper temper




F. Efforts to deal violence against women

Everyone has a role to play in addressing violence against women .

To prevent and respond to violence against women following multiple sectors of  society must work together---


--Organising awareness camp

--Strict criminal laws 

--Women empowerment and education

--Equal opportunity in jobs

--Equal opportunity in decision making


 Below are the full details...


Organising awareness camp-   

     Educating community members on their responsibilities towards women ,

Educating community members about women’s ability to earn money and support their households by providing skills training.

Educating community members  the disadvantages of early and forced child marriages.


Strict criminal laws  - 

Create laws and enforce existing laws that protect women from discrimination and violence, including rape, beatings, verbal abuse, mutilation, torture, “honour” killings and trafficking.


Women empowerment and education –

 Education is considered as a milestone for women empowerment because it enables them to respond to the challenges, to confront their traditional role and change their lives. ... Today, the female literacy levels according to the Literacy Rate 2011 census are 65.46% where the male literacy rate is over 80%.


Equal opportunity in jobs--  


Equality between men and women possible when both gender are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work/job or through setting up businesses.


Equal opportunity in decision making—

Women are not taken in decision-making positions worldwide, women represent over half of the population , the global economy would benefit from boosting women’s participation.


G. Some Organisation which works against women violence


(i) Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights  (OHCHR) GENEVA SWITZERLAND    ( )

       The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights) is the leading UN entity on human rights. It represents the world's commitment to the promotion and protection of the full range of human rights .



(ii) Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)  ( )

 The Association for Women's Rights in Development, it is an international, feminist, organization committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women's human rights established in 1982.


(iii)  Bharatiya Grameen Mahila Sangh or BGMS (National Association of Rural Women India)   (  )

The goal of BGMS is the welfare, uplift and empowerment of women, children, the aged and partially impaired. It is a  national organization with branches all over India, in 14 states and union territories.



H. Conclusion

 At last it can be concluded that the violence against women still a major problem in the 21st century all over the world , our only hope is to educate the society ,removing the stereotype and gender bias , women empowerment and education is the only and ultimate solution against women violence.


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