DIGITALFILE44: Types of education, formal education informal education and non formal education

Types of education, formal education informal education and non formal education

Types of education - informal education vs formal education vs non formal education 

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A. Introduction 

B. Meaning of education 

C. Aim of education 

D. Types of education 

E. Formal education 
  •  Meaning 
  • Characteristic 

F. Informal education 
  • Meaning 
  • characteristics 

G.  Non formal education 
  • Meaning 
  • Characteristic 

H.  Indian education system 

I. Comparision



A. Introduction 

Education begin in the early history , adults trained the young and the Young trained the kids, and this process is continuing still now.
        In earlier days the education was achieved by oral dictation and also by watching the mentors.
      Education is passed from one generation to another generation, from Vedic Gurukul style of education to modern online internet style education.

     Here we will discuss about the origin of education ,its meaning ,its characteristic, types of education etc etc  in the below section.


B. Meaning of education 


Thus we can say that education is to  raise our mind or to develop our mind and soul and body.

      By educating an individual we attempt to give him some desirable knowledge, understanding, skills ,interest, critical thinking etc etc.


Albert Einstein thoughts on education:- Education is not the learning of facts , but the training of the mind to think


Mahatma Gandhi thoughts on education:- Education is all  round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit.


C. Aims of education

      C1.  Education is very important for success in life, it will help us about understanding personal development, social development , economic development , science and Technology, maths, language knowledge etc etc 


C2.  Education empowers our mind and this will help us to flow in the  thoughts of good ideas and good emotions


D. Types of education

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    E. Formal education :- 

                  Formal education is intentional , organised and structured form of learning delivered by educational institution like schools and colleges and University. 

 Agent or agency of formal education;- 

    --> schools, colleges, universities

Characteristics of formal education :- 

   ---> formal education is generally delivered by train teachers and faculties 
         with a systematic ways. 
   ---> IT has well defined and systematic curriculum. 

   ---> It has chronological subject-oriented , practical oriented, experimental oriented syllabus. 

----> It has full time regular attendance  system and mandatory 75% attendance , some  colleges and schools offer non regular students.

---> formal education also provides practical experience certificate and course completion degree certificates . 

 Advantages of formal education:- 

     ---> formal education  regulated by government      ministry of Education and the degree certificate    of  formal education are very helpful for --
          --->any jobs interview, 
            ----> date of birth verification 
             ---> any legal matter issues.


      Formal education mostly followed the teacher centred education style and the small childrens sometimes  gets bored by this style of teaching.


F. Informal education;-

                      Informal education are those education which we learn daily basis from our environment, family, peer group, media , friends ,relative etc etc .


Example of informal education ---> a person getting daily news update from the newspaper , here the person is  getting informal education and news from the newspaper.


Agent or agency of informal education;-

    -->Family, peer groups, friends, relatives, colleagues.

    --> television, radio, internet

    ---> newspapers, magazines

Characteristics of informal education;- 

   ---> Informal education does not depend upon the book knowledge but rather it covers vast variety of learning experiences like cognitive and affective and psychomotor experiences. 

   ---> Here we can receive any kind of information if we want either positive or negative. 


 ---> There the receiving of informal education are completely controlled by the students, either the student accept the information or simply reject the information

---> Informal education does not depend upon the age group anyone can practice the informal education

Merits of informal education;- 

   ---> It can be taken anytime, anywhere any place, any environment. 

   ---> This is a lifelong education process. 

   ---> Zero pressure and zero  fear , no need to worry about pass or fail. 


Demerits of informal education;- 

  ---> Plenty of negative education, non authentic ,inaccurate education       available here. 

  ---> These are not regulated by government ministry of Education


G. Non formal education;-

         Non formal education can be defined at any organised systematic and quality education and training program outside the school/college education system for those candidates who have limited access or drop out from their school /college.

Agents or agency of non formal education - Open University, IGNOU ,Nalanda Open University. 


   -->Here  the needs and interests of the students are primarily focused.

   --> It has more flexible curriculum and methodology compared to the formal education.

  --> Here the student's 75%  attendant is not necessary.

  --> There is no age group limit, anyone can enrolled in non formal education.

Merits of non-formal education;-

  --> It has child/student centred education

  --> It has flexible curriculum

  --> No age limit

  --> Concept of minimum rules, minimum boundation, minimum attendance.

Demerits of non-formal education;-

  --> It does not provide the experiences of formal education system.

  --> Group activity are missing.

  --> Student needs to depends on  only self study and  study materials.

  --> Very less communication between student and teachers and faculty.


H. Indian education system 


I. Comparison

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J. Conclusion:-

 At last we can conclude that every human must get the basic education whether it is from formal education or from non education.


       The primary focus of education must be the allround development of a human being.




                                                      Thank you





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